the Friday Five…vol 1

#1–American Appalling: American Apparel’s ‘Full Body Head to Toe’ Employment Policy

So…if you’re going to work in a clothing store, you basically need to be a model, according to American Apparel. Talk about presenting a narrow (and frequently uninteresting) definition of beauty. And who are these people who get to decide who’s hot enough to hire? How are they chosen? And isn’t it vaguely illegal to discriminate against people who are qualified just because they don’t fit a certain physical image?

In a second article from Gawker, former American Apparel employees shared documents and experiences from the company related to these policies. Absolutely appalling.

I didn’t shop there anyway, but I don’t plan to start.

#2–Drawing The Line: who is the perfect rape victim?

So here’s a documentary that I need to watch–The Line. Made by a woman who was trying to make sense of her own acquaintance rape situation, the film looks at what happens when the victim isn’t “perfect” (i.e. when the actions of the victim could be questionable enough that the rapist is “not at fault”). Unfortunately this happens a lot, as the other story highlighted in this article demonstrates; a homeless woman in New York was raped, and her rapist used the defense that she consented and was drunk. I’ll repeat that: her RAPIST used the DEFENSE that SHE was DRUNK. And it’s likely he’ll get away with it. What is wrong with this picture?

The Line is more than a documentary. Though the film is only 24 minutes, the creator/director has started a movement to help empower women to define (and defend) their line–the point that goes beyond consent. Though it is price prohibitive for individuals wishing to screen it at home (sorry, no Netflix…yet) screenings are scheduled throughout the country and beyond. And if there isn’t one in your area (as there isn’t in mine…yet) we can certainly try to get one (at least I think this will be a project for me).

#3–Not your great-grandmother’s Tea Party (though from the sounds of it, she wishes it was…)

So I don’t get these Tea Party folks. Not just the women, I don’t get any of them. I think they all need to take a lesson in American History because everything they fight against, seems to me, to be basic fundamentals I learned in elementary school social studies. I mean, I generally believe that people are entitled to their own opinion, and while I may disagree I don’t usually say they are wrong…but…well, some of her ideas are pretty out there and some of them ARE wrong (like perpetuating the abortion and breast cancer myth). They pretty much stand at odds with, oh, EVERYTHING I believe in. And (if read/listened to carefully enough) the women’s involvement stands against everything they say they stand for.

Can someone explain them to me?

#4–And finally some good news: Obama administration backs proven sex-ed programs!

Hallelujah! Go figure, giving kids information so they can make good informed decision keeps them from (1) getting pregnant, (2) getting STDs or (3) having sex in the first place. I am strongly in favor of giving kids accurate, age appropriate information to help them make good decisions. Abstinence only doesn’t work. It doesn’t stop kids from having sex. It doesn’t promote healthy sexual relationships for kids as adults. Bravo for an administration believing that education can make a difference.

#5–a couple of publications looking for submissions.

I’m working on pieces for both of these , and thought others might want to know about the opportunities too.

Deconstructing the academic industrial complex of feminism–Feminist education now: youth, activism and intersectionality is a work being put together by Jessica Yee. More information can be found here.

the Lessons Anthology–a book about the lessons learned outside the classroom. They are looking for prose or graphic submissions. Check out the website for more information.


Filed under Friday Five

2 responses to “the Friday Five…vol 1

  1. Hi!

    Thanks for writing about my film, THE LINE. I want to mention – that although the price is high for Universities and non-profits, there is an individual rate I can work out for you, which is pretty standard. Not netflix standard, but individual sales and not bad.

    You can request that:

    Thanks and hope you enjoy!

    Nancy Schwartzman

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